Tips for pregnant women.

Being a mother is a natural process and it is a responsibility that requires great care and attention. According to experts, a baby's life depends on the time it begins to form cells in the mother's womb.

At this point, the mother's habits and diet determine the child's health and development. According to a study, babies who are born late and spend more time in their mother's womb are more capable than other babies.

During pregnancy, mothers need to take special care to ensure that their baby is born healthy. Some of these habits are harmful to the health of both the mother and the baby and according to doctors, their adoption should be strictly avoided.

Food while watching tv.

During pregnancy, women should avoid eating while watching TV. This can have a negative effect on their health and the health of their baby.

Special care of weight.

Pregnant women need to take special care of their weight. Too much or too little weight can cause many complications at birth.

Avoid alcohol and smoking.

Alcohol use and smoking during pregnancy can be toxic to the baby. According to a report, 130,000 babies are born in the United States each year who are exposed to the harmful effects of drugs.

These are babies whose mothers use drugs during pregnancy. It also affects children and they are exposed to the dangerous effects of drugs before they are born.

Full sleep.

Motherhood women desperately need to get enough sleep. Lack of sleep can affect a child's mental health.

Avoid junk food.

Appetite increases during pregnancy and you start feeling hungry at the wrong time. But be sure to eat healthy and nutritious foods during the 9 months of pregnancy and avoid junk food, caffeine, or soft drinks as much as possible.

Low caffeine consumption.

According to a study conducted in the United States, excessive consumption of tea or coffee during pregnancy is not only harmful to the health of the baby but also women themselves can face many complications.

Avoid strenuous exercise.

Pregnant women should do light exercise. Exercising hard or for long periods of time will exhaust the limbs which can cause discomfort.

Stay away from the microwave.

Radiation from microwave ovens can damage a child's brain, so stay away from microwaves.

Beware of fish.

Raw fish may contain mercury, which can be harmful to a child's mental health, so avoid cleaning raw fish (before cooking).

best foods for pregnant women.

  1. A mother's balanced and healthy diet during pregnancy guarantees the best start to life for the baby in her womb. Not only in the beginning but also in the next life, this baby continues to benefit from this balanced and healthy diet of the mother. If the mother continues to follow a balanced and healthy diet even after the birth of the baby, it will not only benefit the breastfed baby but will also have a positive effect on the baby's eating habits and routines. Therefore, all women who are planning to become mothers or who are about to become mothers (ie pregnant) should immediately pay attention to their diet and this process should continue even after becoming a mother.
  2. Women who wish to become mothers should keep in mind that if a woman is underweight or overweight, the chances of getting pregnant are reduced in both cases. However, women who are overweight should reduce it. They should not start intense dieting as this process can deprive their body of some essential vitamins and minerals.
  3. A woman who wants to be a mother needs to be careful, but a man who wants to be a father also needs to be careful in his lifestyle. He should also eat healthy food. 
  4. Thus, a healthy diet for a pregnant woman is the same as it was healthy for her before conception. However, there are some foods that should be eaten more during pregnancy and there are some that should be avoided. Starchy foods like rice, pasta, oatmeal, bread, and potatoes provide energy to the body which is much needed during pregnancy. If the rice is unrefined and the bread is bran, it will also provide good fiber to the body.
  5. Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals, so eat these foods in moderation at least 5 times a day. Protein is very important during pregnancy, as it plays a significant role in the formation and development of the baby's muscles, bones, and organs. So use meat, fish, pulses, eggs, poultry, etc. in this age. These are the foods that provide protein.
  6. Milk and milk products are rich in vitamins (D) and calcium, which are essential for the formation of a baby's body structure and teeth, so a small amount of milk, yogurt, cheese, etc. must be eaten daily. Drink low-fat milk or eat products made from this milk.
  7. There is no need to add fat to your diet but pregnant women and all people should get their body fat from vegetable sources like olive oil, vegetable margarine, etc. instead of animal sources like butter, fat, etc. However, oily fish such as onyx, gray, etc., is a great source for this purpose. So eat this fish 3 times a week. Research has shown that oily fish also helps with high blood pressure.

  8. Vomiting and nausea are common during pregnancy, so avoid greasy foods. Drink ginger and lemon like tea. Keep in mind that bananas, ginger, vegetables, uncooked rice, fish, and pears reduce nausea. Pregnant women should eat something before getting out of bed in the morning. This can also prevent nausea. If nausea is severe, consult a physician.
  9. Avoid greasy and spicy foods to avoid heartburn during pregnancy. Eat small meals. Taking a short walk instead of lying down or sitting down immediately after a meal helps indigestion. Drinking a small glass of milk before going to bed at night can also help prevent heartburn.